viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

Palestine and Israel: analysis of the international conflict

Palestine and Israel have maintained tense international relationships for several years. The conflict between Palestine and Israel started in the late XIX century, when the immigrated Jewish community started to develop territorial control plans. The Zionist movement, who was looking forward to creating a Jewish state, saw in Palestine the right place to fulfil its national project. Meanwhile, the Israeli state began to create autonomous institutions, and began to develop exclusionary practices towards Arab people, which caused an increase on violence between Arabs and Jewish people. Besides of this, they presented a territorial partition proposal, which consisted in the creation of two states, an Arabian-Palestinian state and a Jewish one. This proposal raised a high political tension, cause if Palestine had accepted the partition of the territory; it would have meant they were legitimating Israel’s state plan and, within it, the establishment of Zionist colonies.
In May 1948, the Jewish community declared the creation of the State of Israel, act that triggered military intervention and so the first Arabian-Israeli war, besides the occupation of territory that were not included in the partition plan, causing the migration of most of the Palestinian population that was still there. After the confrontation, the self-declared Jewish State was consolidated and received economic and political support from the European powers. On the contrary, Palestine saw frustrated the right to have their own state, being scattered in several countries.

Currently the Israeli regime has converted Palestine in a state of permanent emergency, with continuous political persecution, the appropriation of its natural resources (water and soil ), the progressive expropriation of lands for the installation of settlers and military bases, the gradual Judaization of the east land of Jerusalem and the total subordination of Palestinian economy into Israel’s.

Palestine organized a State in its exile, which reached international recognition. Progressively the idea of territorial partition was being accepted, but demanding the materialization of the national rights of Palestinian people: right to self-determination, the right to have a State and the return of the refugees. Unfortunately nor the diplomatic way or the armed struggle came into results. Taking up again this initiative, in November 1988 the Palestinian National Council, an exiled parliament, declared the State of Palestine.

Being an outsider spectator and seeing this situation, it turns out very complicated to understand the reasons of this conflict. Currently, massacres, forced transferring and also the apartheid continue. This permanent situation in which the Palestine people are living caused by the Israeli State is uncontrollable. We thought that the crimes that Israel has committed against Palestine people have reached dimensions similar to the atrocities that the same Jewish people suffered during the holocaust.

We are in front of a State with clearly racist foundations based in an exclusionary ideology, that is why the conflict has not ceased, and neither an international settlement has been stated. We thought that as long as Israel keeps maintaining Zionism in its people’s mind, they won’t be willing to share a part of “their” territory with Palestine, because according to their own point of view this would be a threat for their unfounded superiority as a state.

Unfortunately, there is no way to negotiate border limits with Israel, because they do not respect nor human rights nor international policies. They justify their actions based on the security of their people only, without measuring the consequences of their acts. In this moment, there is no political willingness from the ONU countries to forced them to respect the international legislation that the United Nations itself proposed in 1947.

We are in front of a horrible scenario where any diplomatic solution for the Palestinian people is unviable because of the Israeli restrictions. Facing this hopeless situation, we ask ourselves how Palestinian people can achieve their own liberation, considering the interrupted negotiations and that “democratic countries” does not legislate to his favor, although they consolidate Israel as “the only democracy in the Middle East”. But now, where is the so called “democracy”, if the aggression from Israel to Palestine never ends, denying its responsibility for the transgression to human rights? Israel has been allowed to develop systematic violation towards Palestine’s human rights, besides the political support they have been receiving on war crimes, committed so many times in their different attacks.

To conclude, we find the struggle of Palestinian people is legit, and that this situation could change only if the Israeli State returns the stolen territories and pays for his several violations to Human Rights. The world should/must not be indifferent to the situation in the Middle East, because only with willingness and international support, the so long-awaited peace can be achieved, for this broken and damaged people. Damage caused by nationalism created in the West, meaningless to Arabian culture. 

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